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  • 9th AM Forum in Berlin

    The 9th AM Forum Berlin 2025 kicked off with a spectacular pre-event at the legendary Hotel Adlon - in the style of the 1920s.

    On March 17 and 18, decision-makers and experts met at Europe's leading AM user conference. Under the motto “Beasting AM applications in industrial production”, the 700 international guests were offered a varied program.


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  • What a journey - the AMBER Tech Journey 2025!

    From New York City to Boston:

    From February 2 to 7, our company delegation consisting of eight participating companies and universities explored the American East Coast, made valuable contacts with potential partners and investors and gathered new innovative impulses for the future of additive manufacturing.

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About us

AMBER is the 3D printing cluster of the capital region (Additive Manufacturing Berlin-Brandenburg). It is supported by a core of strategic partners and coordinated by Berlin Partner. AMBER pursues the rapid transfer of research results into sustainable and internationally competitive innovations and stands as an umbrella brand for the AM ecosystem of the capital region. 

The aim is to develop Berlin into Europe's leading international platform for new production technologies by 2030 with its highly innovative AM players, its major 3D printing conferences such as AM Forum and CDFAM, AM training and cutting-edge research. In Berlin, the potential was recognized early on, which is why Additive Manufacturing has been an integral part of industrial policy and a technology focus in the Masterplan Industrie Berlin for years. The Berlin Senate has taken an important step in this direction with the targeted AMBER Call amounting to 14 million euros for R&D projects. The focus is on the topics of "medical technology", "lightweight construction" and "Additive Manufacturing for aerospace". The projects with partners from universities, research institutions and companies from the capital region will run until the end of 2025 and create high-tech innovations "made in Berlin".

Berlin - Capital of Additive Manufacturing

Leon Tillmann

Manager Manufacturing Industries
AMBER Coordination and Innovation Support

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

+49 30 46302-189

Julia Lau

Manager Manufacturing Industries 
AMBER Communication and events 

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology

+49 30 46302-283

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